This is Husky TV

This part of Husky Bytes is a work in progress. Hopefully, it will grow to become a feature of our technology integration efforts here at Harrison Elementary.

Friday, February 4, 2011

CCC Video on Demand

CCC Video is back.  We once again have access to those educational videos.  If you no longer have a bookmark to the site, email me for the link.  I will also post it on this site.  Please remember that this link is only accessible from school.

1 comment:

  1. Here is the link to CCC Video. http://cccvideo
    Remember, it is only accessible at school. For convenience, open the link, left click on the address bar icon, and drag it to your desktop. By doing this, you have instant access to the program. If your desktop is getting cluttered with shortcuts, simply Bookmark the site.
